First things first, the part 107 test. This is a test that you’ll have to study for and then take. Passing it gives you a permit that allows you to fly drones commercially.
The rules for flying drones commercially in the US are as follows:
- You must register your UAV with the FAA on the FAADroneZone website.
- Your UAV must weigh less than 55 pounds, including payload, at takeoff.
- You must fly in Class G airspace. (Unless you have a permit to fly in controlled airspace)
- You must keep your UAV within visual line-of-sight.
- You must fly at or below 400 feet.
- You must fly at or under 100 mph.
- You must yield the right of way to manned aircrafts.
- You cannot fly from a moving vehicle, unless in a sparsely populated area.