We live in the same community, our kids go to the same schools
Josh Theobald
Everyone is “from†somewhere, right? It's one of the first questions you ask an acquaintance, “Where are you from?†You want to know because it can tell you a lot about the person you’re talking to. When you find out that they're local, that's exciting! Because maybe there's a connection, or something you have in common, or a mutual friend. When you hear the word Local, what does that mean to you? Typically, I think it means that you live in this area. You know and understand the nuances of the town, city, neighborhood and surrounding areas.

When we say we're “local†that's exactly what we mean. We live in the same community, our kids go to the same schools, we go to the same grocery stores, churches, play the same golf courses, we attend the same concerts and sporting events as you. We aren’t just a business in this town, we are your friend and neighbor. As locals, we want to take care of our community and provide the best service to you because we call this home too.
At Springer Insurance, we are Local. And that's important to us.