A claim is kind of a big deal...
Peggy Claytor
When someone has a claim, there are many questions they ask:
When should I turn in a claim? How do I know if it is covered? When should I get it repaired?
These are just a few questions that the agents are asked. As an agent, we cannot answer these questions for you. However, we can help give you the information for you to determine the answer.
How do you determine if it is a claim? Well, is it sudden or accidental? If so, it may very well be a claim. What is the cause of the damage? Did you run your lawnmower into the side of the garage? Have you had a water leak under the sink for months and it finally damaged the cabinet and flooring? Did you hit an animal in the road? Did lightning strike your heat pump? Did the wind blow a tree over onto your building? Sudden or accidental?
How much is this going to cost? Once you realize there is damage, call a repairman. He can give you an estimate. He may be able to determine the cause of the damage as well.
Now it's time to call your agent. They can advise you of your deductible, advise if an endorsement is on the policy, and assist you with turning in your claim, if need be. In no way can an agent tell you the claim is covered. That is determined by your adjuster. Once your claim is submitted, it is handled by the adjuster or claim representative. Again, not by your agent.
No one likes to turn in a claim. Unfortunately, we need to sometimes for those larger losses. Always check the deductible. Claims are chargeable for up to three years.
Now you have a little better understanding of knowing when and how to submit a claim. Think of it this way: What is the damage? What caused the damage? How much is it going to cost to repair the damage?