Jack of all trades, Master of...
Nicholas Springer
I love trying to do things myself... I'm pretty handy. I can wire an outlet, frame a room and install a sink. Jack of all trades, master of ... one? I have now come to the realization that I cannot, however, use a Cricut.
We moved into our new location last month and are waiting to have our new signs installed outside and in our lobby. We were going to have that same company do the Vinyl door sings too to save time, and they seem to be really good at it.
The outdoor signs ended up having to be ordered and are taking longer that I was hoping so I thought I would try making the vinyl letter for the front door myself.

I have seen the videos and all the stuff on ETSY that has been Cricuted. I even have some friends who are really good at Cricifying things. So I thought I'd give it a try.

Not good. Not good at all. $450 later and hours down the drain, all I have to show for it is lots of little rat's nests of white letters and what was once our logo in the trash.
But this is why I have a career as an insurance agent. Sure, you can download the app and make major financial decisions without an insurance license for yourself. But that leads to disaster too.

Just today, a client called about her rate being really high this month. She was right in the middle of a policy term, so it was not her renewal. And I know that she hasn't talked to us in 2 months from our notes, so what was it? Well, digging in the insurance companies' system I see that 5 changes were made this month from her account on the APP. Somehow, she added coverages on cars and lowered deductibles while just trying to add the new teenage driver. Adding a kid is tough enough on the wallet, let alone making all of those other changes that increased the premium.
After I went over the changes she made, she said " please just put it back the way is was before I played with it". Easy enough, a few moments later and I saved her about $100 for the next month's bill!
I told her that she can always call us to make those changes - and we will make sure they are right!
DIY is fun, but there are some things better left to the professionals - Insurance or Cricut!